
"What words these are!!!" (Luke 4-5)

As you read through Luke 4 and 5 Jesus is constantly doing these really cool things...

-He resists satans temptations...
-He manages to escape a mob trying to throw him over a cliff...
-he casts our demons... lots of demons...
-he heals lots of sick people...
-he causes Peter and Co. to catch two boatfuls of fish...
-he heals a man with leprosy... an incurable disease at the time...
-he forgives a mans sins... and then heals him so he can walk again...
-he asks sinful people to be his disciples....
-he hangs out with more sinful people...

In response to these things, peope are amazed... Luke records it this way:

All the people were amazed at his teaching and said to each other, "What words these are! With authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits and they come out!"

I wonder if we are amazed by Jesus any more... or have we become to familiar with him and his word.... like an innoculation... instead of being infected with Love for Jesus... sometimes I am worried that I have been forever made immune to his greatness....

How about you? are you amazed or immune?

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