
The Torrid Tale of a Shrewd Rascal... or... How to make friends and influence people...

Luke 16 is one of my favorite Bible stories because it is so unexpected...
Scripture is full of color, where we often want to see black and white... simple categories... where in actuality the images of the Biblical world are create complex moral questions.

In the story of the Shrewd Manager... it seems like the Bible is condoning illegal activity. A manager who is going to be fired from his job, makes bargain deals with all of his companies clients in order to get one of them to hire him.

In the story he is praised for his shrewd behavior...

...most Christians today would find his behavior to be unacceptable... which is precisely why the story is interesting...

To unlock it, we have to remember that everything that we have is actually God's not ours. He loans us our blessings so that we would use them to bring him glory... if you can sing... act... paint... draw... dance... play sports... talk... get good grades... fix stuff... any and all of those are abilities God has gifted to you so that you can use them to bring him glory by helping more people to know about him!

So we are actually that manager in the story... we are managing the gifts that God has given to us...

How are you doing with your management?

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