
The Cost of Being a Christian... (Luke 14:25-33)

While grace and forgiveness were a gift from God, there is a high cost to truly following Jesus: namely everything. It is not that jesus really wants more stuff for himself... or wants to take all my fun away... rather... in order to truly follow Jesus it requires a new focus that keeps us from following anything else at the same time.

In other words... I can still play soccer... but I cannot allow it to get in the way of following Jesus...

I can still have friends... but I cannot allow them to get in the way of following Jesus...

I can still do school, but I cannot allow it to get in the way of following Jesus...

I can still love my family, but I cannot allow them. to get in the way of following Jesus...

Yet another way of looking at it is that Jesus ruins me so that I can no longer live for myself. If I am really his follower...my values will so radically change that I will no longer be able to live as I did before...

What do you think about the cost? is it worth it?

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