
Nine things that are cool about Luke 9

Sunday and Monday I went to michigan to attend a few seminars on where youth ministry must go. They were really thought provoking... What do you think? Do you have any ideas about what should be next in youth minsitry?

Here are nine cool things about Luke 9 to consider...

#1 Jesus gave the disciples power and authority to do ministry... then he sent them out to do it. I wonder is empowering and sending are always linked?

#2 When Jesus sent them (9:3) he tells them not to take any supplies... I wonder if this was to keep them from trusting in their preparation?

#3 When the apostles return from the ministry trip... Jesus immediately leads them to with drawal to spend some time by themselves... I wonder if we need the same... after we have done something big... we need time to reflect and recharge alone and undistracted?

#4 Jesus is able to feed thousands of people with so little food. In my life, I often feel like I do not have what it takes to do ministry for Jesus... yet if he can multiply food... maybe he can use me? Maybe he can use you?

#5 Peter finally realizes who Jesus is... 9:20 "But what about you?" Jesus asked. "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "God's Messiah." How cool is it that God allows us to see who he is. I think Jesus still asks us this questions today; "What about you ____________, who do you say that I am?" Well... who do you think he is...

#6 Jesus knew he was going to die... he was not shocked when it happened... it happenned because it needed to for us to be brought back to God...

#7 Transfiguration is a cool word. (9:28) try saying it... I do not know what it was all about, but I think it is sweet when God tells Peter and the others that, "This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him." I really want to listen!!!

#8 Talk is cheap... (9:37) Many people promise to follow Jesus but never really do... Do I follow him? Do you?

#9 it costs a lot to follow Jesus... "Follow me," is Jesus way of calling us away from everything we value and trust in. He is calling us to a place where we do not know and cannot lead unless we keep just following him.

What did you think was cool in Luke 9?


Anonymous said...

I think we can learn a lot from the whole comparison game in Luke 9:46-50. It's kind of funny to think of a group of grown men arguing about who is the best. But don't we do that all the time? Adults, middle schoolers, whoever, we're constantly comparing ourselves to others...she's prettier, he's stronger, etc. Jesus welcomes everybody, even if they seem little and weak and like "the least."

Then even after Jesus tells them that, John's still trying to sound all tough. He's all like, "well, we stopped this dude from driving out demons in your name cuz he's not one of us cool disciples." Once again he had it all wrong, and it wasn't about the disciples being better or cooler...it was okay for the other people to drive out demons because it was done in Jesus name.
- Alison

Anonymous said...

WOW!! That really helps me look at my life and realize how much i ignore god like you said at godsquad you wouldent tell your best friend or wife that you dont have time for them but we tell god that all the time