
Numbers 14: A Sad, Sad Story

Just so you know, today's post will make a lot more sense if you've read Numbers 14 already.  If you haven't, click here.  

What struck me about this chapter is just how tragic it is.  God had really amazing plans for the Israelites.  He had this great land for them, but they decided not to listen to Him, and they missed out big time.  How sad.  

It made me think about how often God has something incredible He wants for us, and we totally do our own thing.  We think we know better, so we don't do what we should be doing, or sometimes we'll do things we shouldn't.  Now God is God and all-powerful, so He can be glorified regardless of what we do (check out verse 21), but we still miss out on His best when we don't follow His will.

There have been times I've disobeyed God, and I know I've missed out on some good things as a result of that.  Thankfully, God offers us grace and mercy, but let's not use that as an excuse to sin.  God has amazing plans for us; much better than we could ever imagine.  Let's follow His lead so we can see where He takes us!

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