
Numbers 6-11 Weekly Review (By Stuart Briscoe)

They say you can’t teach an old dog new tricks and that may be true. But the fact that this elderly gentleman is sitting down writing a blog for the first – and only? – time in his life shows that change is possible. So here goes.

Numbers chapter 6-Speaking of change this chapter talks about changes in the rules and regulations about Nazirite vows. There was a time when you had to be “born as a Nazirite” and it became a life long commitment (see Judges 13: 2-5.) but they could become kind of rivals to the priests. So the rules were changed so that ordinary people could take the vows not for life but for “short term” under the direction of the priests but it is important to notice that short term did not mean casual or half committed. They had to be for real!

The priests, among other things, had the privilege of blessing the people – they believed that the words spoken actually carried power to change people’s lives. The blessing recorded in 6: 24- 27 is very well known and is often used in services to this day. It talks about security, prosperity (not necessarily financial) and a sense of well being. Beautiful and all the blessing comes from the LORD!

Numbers chapter 7-The early chapters of Numbers talked about the priests being involved in the life of the community. This chapter is about the community helping the priests in the worship center. They brought suitable gifts that were practical, every tribal group participated something and when you add up all the animals and the precious metals given the gifts were clearly sacrificial. David set us all a great example when he said, “I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.” (2 Sam. 24: 24.)

Numbers chapter 8-The priests wore special vestments and this “set them apart” from the people but they could abuse this position and become remote from the people. So the Levites had a different role to play in the worship of Israel - they were kind in between the people and the priests . They were not inferior they were different but we must not fail to notice that preparation for service was most important. There was no place for casual, careless worship and service – and we need to be careful in this area as well.

Numbers chapter 9-Moses was privileged to go into the worship centre and there God would speak to him. Even though we can’t hear God’s voice as he did God still speaks to us through His Word, the Bible, through other believers, in the wonders of Creation and deep in our consciences and we must remember to be open to what He is saying. He told Moses to prepare the people to celebrate the Passover – remember how God when His people were slaves in Egypt He had promised that if they sacrificed a lamb and painted the blood on their doors the angel who was going to bring judgment on their oppressors would “Pass over” the Jews – if you don’t remember check out Exodus chapter 12 . The Jews still celebrate Passover to this day so that they won’t forget what God did all those years ago. (Rather like the way we remember on Veterans Day those who died in the World Wars because we must not forget their sacrifice.) Jesus celebrated Passover the night He was betrayed (see John chapter 13) and our Communion service has close links to Passover.

As soon as the worship centre was finished, God who is invisible moved in. But if He was invisible how did they know? Good question – the “cloud” that is the brightness of His glory shone around the place (at night it glowed like fire) so at all times they knew God was with them. Some times they knew it was time to move on – how did they know? The cloud moved and they followed obediently. God works that way with us too.

Numbers chapter 10-When I was in the Royal Marines I loved it when the band played and on special occasions they sounded the silver trumpets. What an unmistakable sound they made – clear, harmonious, beautiful. Apparently God likes all kinds of music because He gave lots of instructions about it and showed that it has a special place in worship. The trumpets also challenged them to be ready for battle – after we worship we need to be ready too! Time to move on was the message on occasion and this the people of God did in an orderly manner – just as God had directed. God likes orderliness in His children too.

Stuart Briscoe (Click here for more from Stuart!)

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