
Numbers 1-5 Weekly Review (By Brodie)

Numbers lives up to its name in the first few chapters. I thought I was in school again with all of the addition (count ‘em up), subtraction (take the Levites out), multiplication (the shekels that needed to be paid to replace the firstborn), and division (dividing out the Levites) coming out all over the place. When I was in school, I remember learning so many different things and they often didn’t tie together in my mind. Later on, I found that things started working together and it made more sense. I am sure the Israelites felt like God was doing a bunch of new things in their nation and they were a bit confused. Later on though, things started working together and life made more sense. Even now, I see things happening all around me that are sometimes confusing. When I read these passages, they help me understand that if God could make sense of things then…He can still do it today!

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9—Everything in Order
My mom used to tick me off!! Every Saturday I had to have my room in perfect order before I could do anything! What a bummer! I used to fight and complain until I realized that if I kept things in order for most of the week, Saturday’s were much more pleasant. I could do a lot more of what I wanted to do. All through the first five chapters, you see that God is setting things in order so that the Israelites (even though they are now going to be delayed in going to the Promised Land) can move about and wander in an organized way. God gives us the same thing. The Bible is full of things that will help us move through life in an easier way. Here are a few:
• Tell the truth (Ex. 20)…then you won’t have to remember what you told someone
• Don’t take what isn’t yours (Ex. 20)…don’t have to fear being caught
• Be kind (Eph 4:32)…others are likely to be kind back
• Study (II Tim. 2:15)…knowledge can be a powerful thing
When we build order into our life, spiritual and every day order, we find that our lives become a bit easier. God did this to help us!

Childrens Ministry Pastor

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