
Numbers 18: Whose are you?

Numbers 18 talks a lot about a group of Israelites that God set apart to be his. They were called the Levites. In recent chapters some of the Levites caused some problems and crazy things happened, like the ground opening up and swallowing them...CRAZY! This isn't like that but it is pretty cool what God says about the Levites and Aaron.

This is not the most exciting book, but stay with me on this. God gives Aaron a whole bunch of rules for his family and also for the Levites to follow. Aaron and his family were to be in charge of the sanctuary and the tent and everything that went with it. The Levites were to be guardians over the tent and Aaron and his family, to keep people out so that no one would be struck dead. The Levites were to be set apart for God, they were called to serve him (See Numbers 18:21).

Now, reading this chapter made me think...the Levites were called to serve God, to be completely his...isn't that sort of what I'm called to? In Exodus God gave his people these 10 commandments. They were one way that the people were to be set apart for him. In the New Testament Jesus expands upon this idea that we are to be set apart. So I asked myself, am I fully God's? Like, completely? Are you?

In Numbers God designates the Levites as his, not just in word, but in different ways so that all of Israel would know who the Levites were. If you are a Christian then you bear God's name, you are a child of God. If you are a child of God, do others know? Can they tell you are God's and not your own?

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