
Paparazzi 2: hot R not.

"Am I hot?" While the culturally uneducated may think this question has to do with weather or possible heath, in fact it has nothing to do with either. It has become one of the most significant questions that teens, and even pre-teens wonder about themselves.

Note an important shift: this is not a question of whether or not they are pretty, cute, or even beautiful. They question is whether they are physically attractive...

Imagine a 9 year old pondering how "Hot" she is, and you see the true poison our cultures obsession with "hotness" is.

This is sad.

It is sad that cute lost out to hot, and even more to the point, that people feel more pressure to appear attractive than to actually be good... They try to look right rather than to make a difference.

However, it should come as no surprise that God is un-effected by human hotness

Where we look at outward appearances, he looks at the inside, our heart, and sees who we really are.

There is no doubt that the culture we live in treats "HOT" people better than others. The real question is about you...

How do you treat others?

Where do you find your worth?

Remember this: Looks don't last. If you put your confidence in looks, then - if you are lucky - it might last for a while, but as you grow older you will find your confidence sagging, just like you six pack,

or.... falling out one strand at a time, like your well producted hair.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the talk last night at Nexus. The story of the girl who had amazing inner beauty when she was letting God lead her life really makes sense. I can relate right now. It's not a great feeling to know that your heart seems to have lost feeling and that others are not seeing the beautiful person God created. I am thankful that God still loves me and can see His own beauty He created.

Anonymous said...

Hi Brandon! I really liked your talk on tuesday! When you talked about girls like one guy and just acting like the bug zapper with them not even thinking about god, it reminded me of our school. There is one guy that is one of the most "popular" people at school. EVERYONE likes him and the girls don't even think about God. He is one of my bestest friends and he tells me that his church is really dumb and boring. So when some of my friends are around him, they focus more on him then God and always say yeah church is dumb. You never learn anything. We shouldn't be tricked by outer beaty but insides what counts. (as you said) I just hope they learn that they can still like him without not thinking about God. well, thanks again for the talk! It was really good!

Anonymous said...

hey brandon
i really appreciated the message you spoke at nexus about the hot r not thing
i can use that at my school when people judge other people for what they look like and they judge you on who you hang out with and who you talk to

Anonymous said...

You are so right! I have a friend, that nobody ever hanged around with and she didn't have the best selection of clothes, anyway I got to no her and she is like one of the nicest encouraging people I met. People just didn't take enough time to realize it.

Anonymous said...

the talk really go tto me because i can relate to stuff like that. becuase there is this girl who i know that is on the cheer squad with me. she is alot bigger than the other girls and everyone always makes fun of her. only the people on the cheer squad know that she gives alot of effort inot what she is doing. even though she cant get her legs up as high as the other girls, she gives 110% effort. she is now one of my close friends.

Brandon J. Brown said...

Hey Friends, thanks for sharing your stories and honest struggles. It is huge and helps other people more than you know!

Anonymous said...

Good point. WE have our own beauty in a unique way. Inside or out, God sees us for who we are!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right about hotrnot Our society is based on all physical and outward appearances. It's kind of sad some people don't even bother to realize that if someone's the least bit unattractive, there might be someone beautiful within. I've known people that have been labled unattractive and when I got to know them, they had a wonderful personality.
-P.S. Nice message