
Nexus Roots Series: Worship...

Life is not all about us. God has existed forever and we were created for his pleasure and glory. Because he loves us he has rescued us from our rebellion time and time again... but when we really understand who he is, it leads us to return to worshipping him again. Worship is many things... it is a celebration of who God is... it is a giving back to God of what he gave to us... it is a surrendering of self to God... Mostly it is the rhythm that we engage in that reminds us who God is, and who we are. This regular reminder helps us to continue to live in right relationship with God.
How is your rhythm of worship?

4 things about worship that are significant.
1. Worship is a reorientation:
When I truly focus on God and singing or living for him in a sacrificial way, it reorients my life to what is truly important... If I skip worshiping for long enough, I will drift from really believing and following God.

2. Worship is a response to what God has been doing in our lives
If I am paying attention, God is at work all around me, in me, and through me. When I see what he has done for me, is doing in me and through me, my natural response will be to respond by worshiping him!

3. Worship is because of the worthiness of God...
I used to struggle because when I tried to worship God I just didnt feel good enough... I was too sinful. Here is the simple truth... I do not worship because I am worthy... but because God is worthy...

4. That which costs me nothing is worth only what it cost.
When you think about giving a good gift... it has to cost something. For example, if I give my wife Emily a pen that I got for free at a conference, it is a pretty worthless gift... she probably won't even want it. But, if I spend months thinking and dreaming of the perfect date... and then take her on it.. even if it is a free walk on the beach, she will love it because I clearly put thought and effort into it. God appreciates our genuine love motivated efforts for him as well...

What do you think about Worship?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

[b][i][a]Hi,this is Christine. I am a 6 grade member at Nexus,having been comming here for about 6 weeks, since my friend Rebekah asked me to. I think that this is a great youth group! Please keep it up! :P XD[/b][/i][/a]