
five3challenge: John 12 (Part 2)

"Jesus was an awesome performer"

John 12:37 says,

Even after Jesus had performed so many signs in their presence, they still would not believe in him.

Why after such clear evidence did so many people still reject Jesus. What after "seeing for themselves" did people who witnessed the miracles first hand still not turn to follow Jesus?

There are many reasons I am sure, but one basic one is at least true.

They did not want to.

You know, this is true still today. Some people raise all kinds of objections to faith, God, the bible, Jesus, etc... but really these are just a smoke screen for their own desire to not believe.

Why would someone not want to believe in Jesus?

That is simple... if you believe in Jesus... then you have to live like you mean it... You have to let him be the God of you life and you have to serve him...


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