
We love it when we get mail from you guys... (both POSTCARDS... and email). Last week one of you sent us a really cool email, and we wanted to share it..

Here is a cool email from a student. This is Ryan’s Response when I asked him to email me his top 5 things he is thankful for:

Hey JNG! I got your email, and here are some things I'm thankful for!

1. My family. They will stand by me and help me if I'm in trouble, and just to give me a laugh, even if we do fight once in a while.

2. Food. Over the past couple years, my eyes have been opened to the real world. Not the one that we live in, that almost gives everything to us, I mean the one where several people die of starvation every day. It makes me love having all the food that I do.

3. Home. Once again, there are people, even in this country that don't have warm, cozy homes like I do. I can't believe how blessed I am to have these things.

4. School. I hate to say it, but I realize that school is actually good for me. I don't like getting up early or the homework, but I am learning, growing, and getting pretty good grades. Then again, I really don't like homework...

5. Computers. Without them, you wouldn't get this e-mail, there would be no blogs, no facebook, no computer programming... The important thing is to not let them get in the way of God.

Have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving, like I get to look forward to (I'm thankful for that, too!). Be safe, eat lotsa turkey, and have fun!

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