
Numbers 29: Happy New Years!

Chapter 29 of Numbers is describing the Feasts and religious duties that were to occur around the time of the Jewish New Year.

Their Ancient calender marked this date as the first of the year, thus it was a great time for a party. As you read the text we are talking about almost an entire month or special feasts, parties, and special religious services. There are even many days were the people are commanded to party...

Numbers 29:35 "On the eighth day of the festival, proclaim another holy day. You must do no ordinary work on that day.

Why all these festivities?

Simple... God knows we need it. God knows that humans need something to look forward to. He knows we need breaks from the weekly rhythms of work and sleep and eat. He knows that if we do not get these breaks, we start to get discouraged and our bodies break down. We even get depressed sometimes.

When was the last time you actually partied with God and just enjoyed some time celebrating with your Friends?

I am not talking about watching movies, TV, texting, IMing, and all of the other quick and regular means of "relaxing" that dont really help us relax...

I mean actually taking a break from the regular rhythm and just letting your mind, body, soul, mouth, eyes, etc really rest from the over stressed and over stimulated lives that we live.

God knows we need this rest... do you?

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