
Numbers 26: A Lifetime with Yahweh

This chapter gives the second census of the people of Israel. The first was 40 years earlier way back in Numbers 1, and the total was 603,550 men "ready to go to war." In the second census the total was 601,730. What's kind of interesting about these two censuses is that there's only two guys out of the entire nation who were around to be counted for both: Joshua and Caleb. (Remember, in Numbers 13, they were the two spies who wanted to obey God and enter the land. The rest of the spies and all of the people wanted to disobey God, so they weren't able to enter the land.)

I want to be like Joshua and Caleb. They started serving God when they were young, and they continued to serve Him all their lives. What an amazing privilege!!! I was thinking the other day: I've known God nearly all my life, so if I live long enough, I'll get to serve Him for 80-90 years or more! A whole lifetime. Seriously. A lifetime here on Earth to get to know God better and make His will a reality and His name known. The only thing I can think of that might be cooler than that is the fact that most of you probably have even more time ahead of you to get to know God better and serve Him here on Earth!

How can you get to know Him better? How can you serve Him?

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