
TECATE day 2: Meeting the families and starting the work.

Our first day on the worksites if over, and it went great. I was personally only able to spend time at three of the sites, but I have heard good reports from all of them...

On the first day, perhaps the most important thing is to establish a good relationship with the family and their neighbors. This is important both so they trust us to take their kids to VBS, and because this trip is more than simply charity. The relationship with the family and community is one of the the main sources of blessing for us on this trip. We can learn much from them about God, and about life and values. I am always amazed at how they seem to have so little, and yet have so much time for each other. Their pockets may be empty, but their lives are full and rich.

Our groups had a great time meeting our new friends today. One of the young guys showed me a snake he had caught in a bottle. All of the young children were following him around amazed wanting him to pull the snake out so they could touch it. Another family had a young girl, who drew a hopscotch court in the dust and then played with two of our students. Their are many more stories to tell, and hopefully I can add some later.

Also our construction is off to a great start. One group already has three walls up and painted, while others are still making progress, even if a little slower. All of the students are doing great though, learning to paint, and hammer nails, and they are building a house. Its an amazing thought, that 60 some students from middle school will impact Tecate in such a major way... they will leave 5 houses behind for families that did not have them before.

Thanks for your prayers, and please check out the pictures from the first two days here!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all! May God fill your hearts with overflowing love!