
TECATE 08 Day 6: Finishing the houses and saying goodbye

We did it... we finished all five houses today. I spend the day riding around in a truck with Anna our translator as we went from site to site so I could video the dedications and be there as we presented out completed houses to our families... Through many tears of sadness and joy we prayed for and shared final blessings with the five families that we were privileged to build houses for.

The one that stood out to me the most, was when we presented a new house to Carolina, a grandmother who lived alone in the remnants of her house which burned down in April. Our students and leaders donated additional funds so that we could buy her a bed and a propane stove in addition to her new house. She looked on in tears as our students told her how much that she meant to them, and how much her story had changed them. It was cool to see her new house rise from the ashes of her old one.

A similar scene was played out at all 5 of our sites. Our students were amazing this week, and have blessed the lives of the people here immeasurably. At the same time, we have been so deeply changed by the image of God that we saw in the poverty and beauty of people who have nothing. We have been blessed more than we could have ever blessed the people we served.

So many cool kids that we have met... so many ways God has helped us in our work... so many lesson about life and our hearts... and we have learned so much about what it means to be blessed.

Thanks for your prayers....

(Because I was video taping all day, I sorta slacked on the pictures today... I only took about 600... Click here to see them.)

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