
CLUMPS: Mosaic Series part 4

We were not designed to do life alone.

We all need friends and family to walk through life with. Like watching a movie by yourself, life without friends is much less meaningful and enjoyable without a group of people to laugh and cry with.

The great news about this is that God knows this, and since the very beginning of time has desired for humans to have meaningful relationships. In Genesis 2:18 The LORD God said,

"It is not good for the man to be alone."

That makes it pretty simple.

Often in life our happiness comes down to whether we have one or two people to share our struggles and joy with. For example, Mosaic is a huge place with hundreds of students, but once you have a few friends its just home.

Brandon calls the process (of finding a few friends to share life with) Clumpification. Let me explain.

We have designed a new thing called "CLUMPS" as a way of helping students connect with their friends in a new way. Hebrews 10 makes it really clear that we are all called to not only hold to our own faith, but also to SPUR one another on to love and good deeds. We do this by MEETING together regularly to ENCOURAGE each other.

IF you look at the descriptions to the right you can see that CLUMPS are designed to help students do just this... Spur each other on in their walks with God....

WHO should you CLUMPIFY with?

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