
WWME 1: Are You World Wide?

During this series we are going to be exploring that multiple personalities that we each have... we may not realize it, but so often we adjust who we are to fit into our surroundings...

We learn early on to wear masks to protect ourselves...

Our masks may put on a face that portrays: confident, happy, christian, cool, tough, collected, smart, pretty, rich, etc...

We put them on to fit in and to hide what is really going on inside...

Often we also wear different masks in each different part of our life... or.. in the different worlds we live in...

Most of us act differently when we are at Home... or Church... or with our Friends or when we are online or watching TV.

Often we develop a different personality for each of these "worlds" we live in. They develop sorta independent of each other... they are compartmentalized. This leads to an accidental hypocrisy where how I live in one of my worlds, discredits what I say I believe in another...
So here is the question... which one of those personalities is really you?

What gets lost when we pretend is who we really are... and we are the first ones to lose it... and sometimes we never get it back.

Jesus said...
MARK 14:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'

He is not simply interested in who we are in Church-world... Jesus is with us all the time... and he knows the true "ME" even if i am not sure who that is..

Interestingly enough... this series gives us a great chance to explain our names and logos....
We think that God wants us to help students to navigate their whole life... not just church.... therefore we want to be at the "NEXUS" or centerpoint of where all these worlds collide. IF you look at the Mosaic and Nexus Logo's, both were made to reflect the different worlds of our students...

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