
Mosaic: Were all in this together...

.:Together:. There is so much pressure to be perfect. Our culture discards imperfect things, but there are other options. God says that imperfect things can be beautiful. A mosaic is a form of art made from small broken pieces of tile, stone, or glass. Gifted artists can turn a pile of oddly shaped pieces into an exquisitely detailed mosaic. Although the pieces are imperfect, when placed together within the greater mosaic, their true beauty shines and their incompleteness is hidden by the strengths of the other pieces.
This is a great metaphor for our middle school ministry. God the master artist has created each student unique. We all have weaknesses and flaws, but when arranged together by God our true beauty as his image-bearers shines forth. This is why we work hard to ensure that every student knows that they are created in the image of God, and that they are an important piece of the overall mosaic he is building in our ministry and in the church

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