
TECATE 09: Day 2 (Starting)

We survived the heat, and actually made some phenomenal progress on building our houses today. We also met our families, and had a great time getting to know a ton of local Mexican kids who showed up to hang out with us and play some soccer, baseball, and even work together on the houses. Its amazingly cool to swing a hammer or paint along side the people we are hear to serve.

The heat is intense, as we are right up on top of a hill without much shade, but we take lots of water breaks and the mission discovery trucks come around regularly to hit us up with Gatorade. That said, it has been incredible to see how hard our students play and work in the sun and heat. They really are a great example of the love of Christ.

Tonight at our evening session we talked about blindness. Not physical blindness, but a blindness that happens when we train ourselves not see the needs of the people around us, and even eventually to stop even seeing needy people at all. We do it all the time, just like the story of the Good Samaritan that is found in Luke 10:25. The answer for this is to ask Jesus to help us see the world, ourselves, and others like he does.

Tomorrow we are building again, and starting VBS with the kids.

Check out Mosaic Pictures HERE:

Check out Insight Pictures HERE:

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