

Check out your cards that you have sent it.. there is room for more!


Anonymous said...

Hey brandon. just wanted to say that tonights sermon was like..insane. Probably one of the most inspirational for me honestly! It was so interesting to think that when I get to heaven, people will come to me and say..you're the reason im here. Also, how we can be separated two ways and when i'll be going to heaven some of my friends may be like, wow you knew about this all along? To me, that was just so cool to hear and makes me want to tell more people about Jesus. Thank you so much it was great tonight! (As it always is :)

Anonymous said...

Hey brandon I'm sitting here at my computer, sick once again. missing services......and it makes me sad. honestly I want to thank all of you guys- you, emily, kristina, mark, drew....everyone. because you've all been a huge help to me for everything. thank you so much! ~Jillian