
The Middle School Musical Series

Ok... so nearly everyone has seen the High School Musical... it is a cute.. if quite cheesy Disney movie that took on rock star status early last year when it become the most watched Disney show ever and took the top spots for online downloads and DVD sales for a few weeks as well.

Well... being a middle school pastor... I felt like it would be a good jumping point for a series... so coming up next now that we are done with the LIfe...

Get ready to:
"Start something new" (april 17th)
"Stick to the stuff you know" (April 25th)
"Break free" (May 2nd)
"Were all in this all together" (May 9th)

Not sure you like High SChool Musical? that's ok... the only thing better than enjoying a cheesy pop produced piece of disney fare... is making fun of it. SO whether you loved HSM.... or loved to hate it... We are going to have a good time with the MSM.

See you tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Tonight in my Godsquad group we talked about Hebrews 6:...4-6ish?- About Christians falling away. Is it really possible for someone to become a real christian and fall into some stuff for a while, and not come back?

Brandon J. Brown said...

This is a great qeustions. I think that it is hard to answer, because salbation is a mystery that God does not fully explain.

The Hebrews Passage in particular has hundreds of differnt interpretations by different scholars...

In my education they spent and entire week and it and presented 30 some views... and then didnt really tell us which one was right.

I do think that it is possible for a person to think they are a Christian... but later to turn away... Probably they never really were a Christian... they were just going along with the church thing but never really made it their own...

Salvation does not seem to be primarily about being "in or out" It seems to be about walking with God and loving him. It is hard to believe that a person who does not have any desire to follow and love God is a Christian... yet ... God is really merciful and he is the Judge... so I trust that he will work it out in a way that is right....

Anonymous said...

wow this stuff hurts my head ..i mean why do they (churchs)teach that then? pray the prayer and ur in no matter what why dont they ever mention this part of the bible? i dont get it .. ..thats kinda scary....i mean ...i dont know ..this hurts my brain ..

Brandon J. Brown said...

Which part is scary... the verse itself or the people?

You have to understand how things evolve... Huge amounts of people have begun their relationship with God by praying "the prayer." There is nothing wrong with the prayer if it is really a reflection of what is in a persons heart.

however... all I am saying is that the prayer is neither a magic formula nor a legal contract...

...Jesus death on the cross was in large part about restoring humans to relationship with God ...
in this Jesus is the ultimate example of how much God loves us... what could ever be a more meaningful demonstration of love then his own son dying on the cross for us...

...also the cross was where Jesus took our sins upon himself...

...So to me it seems that salvation is all about a restored relationship with God...

...Which leads me to say that while there was a point where I recognized his love for me and "prayed a prayer", the prayer was not what really initiated my relationship with him... the relationship started because my faith led me to start trying to follow him and the Holy Spirit spirit saw my genuine faith and started helping me...

Anonymous said...

i think both is scary ...im not sure ..cuz i would feel guilty like ...just having a relationship with god out of being scared..idk..