
Numbers 34: Canaan's Boundaries

The word “boundaries” often has negative connotations because no one thinks they like boundaries. People like to be free and independent and have the option to do things their way.

Boundaries are so important to our culture that there are books upon books on emotional boundaries, personal boundaries, professional boundaries, dating boundaries, societal boundaries, social boundaries, etc. Even though we don’t feel like we need them, God knows we do.

I probably wasn’t easy for the Israelites to stay within their boundaries – and we will see what happens in the next few chapters, but God knew they needed to know how far the land was theirs.

Have you every felt like God put a boundary in your life? Maybe it was easy to honor, but sometimes it is hard to obey when there are limits put on us. Tell
me about it!

PLEASE NOTE – I am not encouraging you to read any of the books pictured – they are just there to show how even our culture understands we need boundaries, even though we many not always want them.

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