
Nexus Review: Numbers Series #4 -- Complainers vs Creators

The Israelites were out of control. God blessed and blessed and saved and provided and listened and gave second chances and third and God even was patient, but none of it broke through their world view problem. They were fixated on the negative and unable to see their own role in making the world they way they wanted. They refused to own their mistakes and the consequences of them.

So much of their unhappiness was brought on themselves... Their bad choices brought them pain, and they blamed God. The whined and complained and pitied themselves above all others, yet when we look at the blessings in their life it is hard to be jealous. They are the ones who God dwelt visibly among, who God fought tangibly for, who God did mighty miracles in front of. Most of us would give an kidney to witness just one such mighty act of God, and they had seen so many, but they didn’t care.

Makes you wonder. Would we have been any different in their position. Would we be able to see the blessings or would we fixate on our wants, desires, and our need for constant comfort. It is easy to answer the question actually. Hold the mirror to your life right now... do you spend more time complaining, or thanking; wishing for more for yourself or creating blessings for others.

Sometimes no matter how much we have, we always want more, and more... and more... and even more than that.... We will even make our selves sick to get it.

-The Israelites were insatiable... they would complain no matter what...

...While the Israelites whined and complained, they selfishly squandered the most amazing opportunity God had ever given a nation: The opportunity to create a new and wonderful life for themselves, and their children!

They were already God’s “Favorites” but they couldn't see how blessed they were, so they through it all away.

We face the same choice: Complain or Create?
-What about you? It is easy to answer the question actually. Hold the mirror to your life right now... do you spend more time complaining, or thanking; wishing for more for yourself or creating blessings for others.

If you haven't read Numbers 16, you should!!! What would you need to do to become a creator instead of a complainer?
Numbers.4 2
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