Jesus told his disciples many special things that he did not reveal to everyone. He told them, "The knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of God has been given to you, but to others I speak in parables..."
A parable is a story that contains a deep truth, but presents it in such a unexpected way that the reader of the story is caught off gaurd and caused to reflect deeply.
Jesus in Luke 8 teaches a Parable about soil and seeds....
somes seeds feel among a hard path... but was trampled on and did not grow...
Some seed fell on the rocks, and grew up quickly, but died because it had no roots,
some seed fell among the thorny underbrush... so it grew up, but was choked out by the weeds...
and finally some seed fell on the good soil where it grew up and produced a huge and healthy crop...
What do you think this all means? What type of soil are you? Even the disciples didnt understand it so Jesus has to explain it.
Check out his explanation in Luke 8:11-15...
What type of soil are you?
some seed fell among the thorny underbrush... so it grew up, but was choked out by the weeds...
does this mean it is possible to become a Christian and totally fall away forever?
That is a great question... Check out vs 8:14... Jesus explains the answer to your question... what do you think it means?
8:14 The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.
is it only talking about people who are maybe interested in God but care too much about other things and never actually accept him? or is it about christians who have accpeted christ but don't go any further than that?
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