If following Jesus is hard to do, and can cause me to miss out on some of the fun that life has to offer then why do it? Why Follow Jesus?
2 main reasons
1. Because, according to the Bible, he is the only way to God the Father. If you want to have a relationship with God and have your sin taken care of then you must follow Jesus. Now, don't get me wrong... I think there is nothing better than following Jesus... truly. But regardless of my thoughts on the matter, I need to follow him...
2. Following Jesus is crazy awesome...and scary all at the same time. When I follow Jesus and truly let him have my life... it can be scary because I am not sure what he will do with it.
In my case... God called me to be a pastor when I was around 15 years old. At the time, I felt like he was ruining my life. I would be poor and single forever was my fear. The truth is that God has made me so rich because I trusted his path for my life. Not rich in money (Although I am not poor either), but rich in friendship and experience.
If I had not followed him, I would have missed out on Elmbrook and all of the students there that I love so much.
I would not have met and married Emily... and I would not be having a Baby with her...
I might have had a few more moments of fun here and there... but would I really trade my life now... and all of its blessings for anything else? I never would.
Choosing to Follow God... even though it is hard at times... was the best decision I could have ever made.
C4: Why would Paul choose to suffer so much?
Colossians 1:24 tells us why Paul chose so much suffering... Paul suffered for those who did not yet know Christ. In his own words he said:
Saul's dramatic conversion to Jesus, and his acceptance of the suffering of following Jesus changed the world.
With great personal cost, he spread the truth about Jesus to the far reaches of the Roman world. While Jesus suffering on the cross made a way for all to be restored in their relationship with God, Paul's suffering ensured that everyone heard about the amazing God who loved his creation so much that he suffered for them.
When we consider Paul's willingness to give it all for the sake of those who have not heard about the awesome love of God, it motivates us to also be active in sharing out faith with others.
~Colossians 1:24Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church.
Saul's dramatic conversion to Jesus, and his acceptance of the suffering of following Jesus changed the world.
With great personal cost, he spread the truth about Jesus to the far reaches of the Roman world. While Jesus suffering on the cross made a way for all to be restored in their relationship with God, Paul's suffering ensured that everyone heard about the amazing God who loved his creation so much that he suffered for them.
When we consider Paul's willingness to give it all for the sake of those who have not heard about the awesome love of God, it motivates us to also be active in sharing out faith with others.
Colossians: Saul's story
Once there was a man named Saul who murdered those who followed Jesus. Saul went from village to village looking for Jesus followers, and when he found them, he dragged them out of their houses and arranged to have them stoned. Once when a famous Christian missionary was being stoned, Saul, held the robes of those who threw the stones that killed him. Saul hated the followers of Jesus and did everything that he could to stop them.
While he was traveling looking for Christians to imprison or kill, he decided to head to Damascus.
From this point on, Saul became known as Paul. Paul had caused many to suffer for their belief in Jesus, but none as much as he was to endure. God charged Paul with taking the Gospel to the furthest reaches of the world. Paul did this very successfully, but at great personal price. Later in Paul’s life, after he had done what God required of him, he wrote about his suffering to a church that he had cared for deeply. He wrote:
Saul's dramatic conversion to Jesus, and his acceptance of the suffering of following Jesus changed the world. With great personal cost, he spread the truth about Jesus to the far reaches of the Roman world. While Jesus suffering on the cross made a way for all to be restored in their relationship with God, Paul's suffering ensured that everyone heard about the amazing God who loved his creation so much that he suffered for them.
While he was traveling looking for Christians to imprison or kill, he decided to head to Damascus.
(Acts 9) 3 As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, "Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?"
5 "Who are you, Lord?" Saul asked.
"I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting," he replied. 6 "Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."
7 The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone. 8 Saul got up from the ground, but when he opened his eyes he could see nothing. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. 9 For three days he was blind, and did not eat or drink anything.
10 In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!"
"Yes, Lord," he answered.
11 The Lord told him, "Go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his sight."
13 "Lord," Ananias answered, "I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your people in Jerusalem. 14 And he has come here with authority from the chief priests to arrest all who call on your name."
15 But the Lord said to Ananias, "Go! This man is my chosen instrument to proclaim my name to the Gentiles and their kings and to the people of Israel. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for my name."
17 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord—Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here—has sent me so that you may see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit." 18 Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized, 19 and after taking some food, he regained his strength.
From this point on, Saul became known as Paul. Paul had caused many to suffer for their belief in Jesus, but none as much as he was to endure. God charged Paul with taking the Gospel to the furthest reaches of the world. Paul did this very successfully, but at great personal price. Later in Paul’s life, after he had done what God required of him, he wrote about his suffering to a church that he had cared for deeply. He wrote:
(2nd Corinthians 11:) “Whatever anyone else dares to boast about—I am speaking as a fool—I also dare to boast about. … Are they servants of Christ? (I am out of my mind to talk like this.) I am more. I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been exposed to death again and again. 24 Five times I received from the Jews the forty lashes minus one. 25 Three times I was beaten with rods, once I was pelted with stones, three times I was shipwrecked, I spent a night and a day in the open sea, 26 I have been constantly on the move. I have been in danger from rivers, in danger from bandits, in danger from my own people, in danger from Gentiles; in danger in the city, in danger in the country, in danger at sea; and in danger from false believers. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. 28 Besides everything else, I face daily the pressure of my concern for all the churches. 29 Who is weak, and I do not feel weak? Who is led into sin, and I do not inwardly burn?
30 If I must boast, I will boast of the things that show my weakness.”
Saul's dramatic conversion to Jesus, and his acceptance of the suffering of following Jesus changed the world. With great personal cost, he spread the truth about Jesus to the far reaches of the Roman world. While Jesus suffering on the cross made a way for all to be restored in their relationship with God, Paul's suffering ensured that everyone heard about the amazing God who loved his creation so much that he suffered for them.
Colossians 1: Created vs. Creator.
There is a big difference between things that are created and the one who created them. If I make a little playdough man, then I am infinitely more capable than he is... I am alive and he is not. I can destroy him, remake him, deform him, or whatever else that I want. His only hope is that I have some compassion for him, or he is toast.
In the same way, God created us and is way more than just our personal genie or rabbits foot. He is the creator and deserves our attention.
In Colossians 1 it says,
Jesus was before all things and in him all things hold together... than means that even as I doubt God's existence, God is the one holding my molecules together so that I can doubt him...
In the Ancient days people used to make idols out of wood and stone and metal. Today we make them out of people. We created celebrities and then we worship them as if they have something to tell us about how we should live. The problem though is that they are often famous for all the wrong reasons and have nothing truly important to say.
Jesus on the other hand, sits above the circle of the earth and knows everything, sees everything, and loves everyone.
You choose.... worship a lifeless wooden statue... a clueless celebrity who is only famous because she can sing, act, or be pretty... or worship the only one who can create... sustain... and rule the universe.
Its not such a hard choice after all...
Interested in the Lenses Devo? It is available here: .:Click here!:.
In the same way, God created us and is way more than just our personal genie or rabbits foot. He is the creator and deserves our attention.
In Colossians 1 it says,
16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
~Colossians 1:16-17
Jesus was before all things and in him all things hold together... than means that even as I doubt God's existence, God is the one holding my molecules together so that I can doubt him...
In the Ancient days people used to make idols out of wood and stone and metal. Today we make them out of people. We created celebrities and then we worship them as if they have something to tell us about how we should live. The problem though is that they are often famous for all the wrong reasons and have nothing truly important to say.
Jesus on the other hand, sits above the circle of the earth and knows everything, sees everything, and loves everyone.
You choose.... worship a lifeless wooden statue... a clueless celebrity who is only famous because she can sing, act, or be pretty... or worship the only one who can create... sustain... and rule the universe.
Its not such a hard choice after all...
Interested in the Lenses Devo? It is available here: .:Click here!:.
Brandon @ the ACM
Hey... if you missed Elmbrooks Annual Congregational Meeting then you missed a great time.
Lots of students were there and they were front row to witness Brandon with hair performing "I wanna hold your hand" by the beatles.
It was a great night!
Lots of students were there and they were front row to witness Brandon with hair performing "I wanna hold your hand" by the beatles.
It was a great night!
What is C4?
Yes it is an explosive that is often used by terrorists in tv shows and movies, but that is not what we are talking about.
The Mosaic C4 challenge is all about the Book of Colossians. There are 4 chapters... SO.. C as in Colossians... and 4 as in chapters...
...so what is the c4 challenge?
Read Colossians 4 times in the next 4 weeks. Read one chapter a day, and spend one additional day reflecting on what God is teaching you in the book.
This is really a specialized version of the 5-3 challenge that we have already done. (read about the 5-3 challenge here)
SO start today.... take 10 minutes out of your day and them spend
5 minutes reading Colossians, 5 minutes talking to God about what you read, and then try to do this 5 times this week!
THEN... post cool comments here on the Blog.
I will try to post about cool Colossians stuff almost every day!
The Mosaic C4 challenge is all about the Book of Colossians. There are 4 chapters... SO.. C as in Colossians... and 4 as in chapters...
...so what is the c4 challenge?
Read Colossians 4 times in the next 4 weeks. Read one chapter a day, and spend one additional day reflecting on what God is teaching you in the book.
This is really a specialized version of the 5-3 challenge that we have already done. (read about the 5-3 challenge here)
SO start today.... take 10 minutes out of your day and them spend
5 minutes reading Colossians, 5 minutes talking to God about what you read, and then try to do this 5 times this week!
THEN... post cool comments here on the Blog.
I will try to post about cool Colossians stuff almost every day!
Nexus Recap: Jesus and the Little God's
Everyone worships something.
Some people worship stuff,
some worship pleasure,
some worship power,
and others worship popularity...
but everyone worships something.
In our culture, it is most often the famous, but money, stuff, and pleasure are surely not far behind.
In the midst of all of this idol worship, Jesus is often seen as a forgotten relic of a dead religion.
Though he is and always will be God, we see him as small, powerless, and plastic. We treat him as a good luck charm at best, and imaginary more often. Often we treat him like he exists for us, rather than we existing for him.
Most treat Jesus more like a rabbits foot than a mighty God.
Even though he is often forgotten or treated like a Genie, Jesus remains both real and AWESOME!
Jesus is so much more that a good luck charm to be rubbed when we are in trouble or need a favor. He is the mighty God of the universe who created everything and holds everything together.
This universe exists for him and was created by him.
Colossians 1:15-17 says it so well:
How about you? Have you found Jesus as the creator and sustainer of all... or is he still a lifeless plastic good luck charm in your life?
Some people worship stuff,
some worship pleasure,
some worship power,
and others worship popularity...
but everyone worships something.
In our culture, it is most often the famous, but money, stuff, and pleasure are surely not far behind.
In the midst of all of this idol worship, Jesus is often seen as a forgotten relic of a dead religion.
Though he is and always will be God, we see him as small, powerless, and plastic. We treat him as a good luck charm at best, and imaginary more often. Often we treat him like he exists for us, rather than we existing for him.
Most treat Jesus more like a rabbits foot than a mighty God.
Even though he is often forgotten or treated like a Genie, Jesus remains both real and AWESOME!
Jesus is so much more that a good luck charm to be rubbed when we are in trouble or need a favor. He is the mighty God of the universe who created everything and holds everything together.
This universe exists for him and was created by him.
Colossians 1:15-17 says it so well:
15 The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. 16 For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him. 17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
How about you? Have you found Jesus as the creator and sustainer of all... or is he still a lifeless plastic good luck charm in your life?
Paparazzi 5: I see London
I see london... I see france... I see someones... yeah... you know it too... And not only can you finish the song, but if it was not 0 degrees with 20 inches of snow on the ground you would be able to see what I am talking about. We are surrounded by people and images leave nothing, or at least very little, to the imagination.
There is much to say about this, but there are particularly a few dangers that relate to students. Are they really just a “hot” body, or are they something more... Is there some compelling motivation for modesty in a world where underwear is so outthere? Can the unique treasure of our sexual identity and beauty once again be made beautiful and unique as well as sacred and special.
There are lots of reasons to keep your privates private, even when culture so rewards your for showing them off. The best reason is really for you. When you treat your unique beauty as common, something to be freely shared, then that is what it becomes. If you do this, you will lose sight of how special you, and everyone else really is. But you are so much more than just a hot body... and your beauty and physical body are a treasure that God has given you and is worth the most at the right time.
In the Bible there is a story about a very rich King named Hezekiah. Hezekiah had it all, but he made a very stupid mistake that I want to tell you about.
In 2 Kings 20 this is what happens:
SO Hezekiah showed every treasure he had to the Babylonians... a country with a massive military...
What do you think happened next in the story?
Let find out:
SO what do we learn form this?
If you want to keep your treasure safe, don't be stupid like Hezekiah and show it to everyone!
There is much to say about this, but there are particularly a few dangers that relate to students. Are they really just a “hot” body, or are they something more... Is there some compelling motivation for modesty in a world where underwear is so outthere? Can the unique treasure of our sexual identity and beauty once again be made beautiful and unique as well as sacred and special.
There are lots of reasons to keep your privates private, even when culture so rewards your for showing them off. The best reason is really for you. When you treat your unique beauty as common, something to be freely shared, then that is what it becomes. If you do this, you will lose sight of how special you, and everyone else really is. But you are so much more than just a hot body... and your beauty and physical body are a treasure that God has given you and is worth the most at the right time.
In the Bible there is a story about a very rich King named Hezekiah. Hezekiah had it all, but he made a very stupid mistake that I want to tell you about.
In 2 Kings 20 this is what happens:
13 Hezekiah received the Babylonian envoys and showed them everything in his treasure-houses—the silver, the gold, the spices, and the aromatic oils. He also took them to see his armory and showed them everything in his royal treasuries! There was nothing in his palace or kingdom that Hezekiah did not show them.
SO Hezekiah showed every treasure he had to the Babylonians... a country with a massive military...
What do you think happened next in the story?
Let find out:
14 Then Isaiah the prophet went to King Hezekiah and asked him, "What did those men want? Where were they from?" Hezekiah replied, "They came from the distant land of Babylon." 15 "What did they see in your palace?" Isaiah asked. "They saw everything," Hezekiah replied. "I showed them everything I own—all my royal treasuries." 16 Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, "Listen to this message from the LORD:17 The time is coming when everything in your palace—all the treasures stored up by your ancestors until now—will be carried off to Babylon. Nothing will be left, says the LORD.
SO what do we learn form this?
If you want to keep your treasure safe, don't be stupid like Hezekiah and show it to everyone!
One more reason to come to one of the services this weekend!
Hey if you happen to be in Milwaukee and have your saturday night or sunday morning open this sunday, I am speaking in Elmbrook's weekend services. Dick Robinson and I will be presenting on Psalm 145 in an intergenerational team teaching opportunity that explores how faith is passed from Generation to Generation.
I could use your prayers as we prepare,
and your support through your presence in a service if you can make it.
The whole weekend is a build up to Elmbrook's Annual meeting which just so happens to be taking place on our 50th anniversary as a church!
There is going to be some very special things in the Annual Meeting that relate to you as a middle school student. YOU REALLY SHOULD PLAN ON COMING, it would mean a lot to me, and to the whole church body.
Plus, I will be there so you can sit with me if you want!
Wednesday, Feb 20th, from 7 - 8:30. Click here for more details!
I could use your prayers as we prepare,
and your support through your presence in a service if you can make it.
The whole weekend is a build up to Elmbrook's Annual meeting which just so happens to be taking place on our 50th anniversary as a church!
There is going to be some very special things in the Annual Meeting that relate to you as a middle school student. YOU REALLY SHOULD PLAN ON COMING, it would mean a lot to me, and to the whole church body.
Plus, I will be there so you can sit with me if you want!
Wednesday, Feb 20th, from 7 - 8:30. Click here for more details!
Prepare your response for Worship Nite!
Hey friends, next week is one of our very special worship nights.
Worship is so much more than singing. Really it is the emotional response of our hearts to what God is doing in our lives and in the world. The reason we have a worship night at the end of every series is so that we can take time to reflect on what God has taught us and to "respond" to these new insights and blessings by Worshipping him for them.
Last week at nexus we gave out the cards that are pictures here so that you would have a week to really think about what God has taught you through the Paparazzi series we have been doing. One side of the card features some of the main points and the other just gives you space to respond.
Your response can be a:
story from your life
or anything else that feels right in your heart.
We will be doing something very special with the cards, so if you were not here, you should print one for yourself and bring it with you
Don't worry though... if you forget, we will have some extras on hand on tuesday.
You guys really rock!
Worship is so much more than singing. Really it is the emotional response of our hearts to what God is doing in our lives and in the world. The reason we have a worship night at the end of every series is so that we can take time to reflect on what God has taught us and to "respond" to these new insights and blessings by Worshipping him for them.
Last week at nexus we gave out the cards that are pictures here so that you would have a week to really think about what God has taught you through the Paparazzi series we have been doing. One side of the card features some of the main points and the other just gives you space to respond.
Your response can be a:
story from your life
or anything else that feels right in your heart.
We will be doing something very special with the cards, so if you were not here, you should print one for yourself and bring it with you
Don't worry though... if you forget, we will have some extras on hand on tuesday.
You guys really rock!
Nexus Recap: Feb 4th, 2008 (Part 2: Lessons from Duct Tape)
God is an amazing designer. He has created humans with an unbelievable bonding ability, sorta like duct tape. Lets consider this bonding ability sort of a human stickiness that helps us to attach to another person. Now without getting into the details, this is what the physical aspect of a relationship is all about. Physically the body releases chemical called endorphins that create an emotional link during physical intimacy between two people. The stronger the physical or emotional link, the more endorphins, the stronger the bond.
Here is the issue: These bonds are way to strong to take casually. Once they stick, they are not designed to let go... ever...
So in a culture that talks about just having a good time and trying things out it is no surprise that so many relationships do not stick together... even marriages. So many people have lost their stickiness long before they find the person they want to be stuck to for the rest of their life.
So yeah... the whole "friends with benefits" thing... that was God's idea... but he meant it for marriage and he meant it forever... Best friends with incredible, unique, benefits for the rest of your life! True romance lasts for a whole lifetime... and is worth waiting for.
Here is the issue: These bonds are way to strong to take casually. Once they stick, they are not designed to let go... ever...
So in a culture that talks about just having a good time and trying things out it is no surprise that so many relationships do not stick together... even marriages. So many people have lost their stickiness long before they find the person they want to be stuck to for the rest of their life.
So yeah... the whole "friends with benefits" thing... that was God's idea... but he meant it for marriage and he meant it forever... Best friends with incredible, unique, benefits for the rest of your life! True romance lasts for a whole lifetime... and is worth waiting for.
Nexus Recap: Feb 4th, 2008 (Part 1)
Our culture teaches us that we are nothing more than evolved animals. Animals have instincts and they act on them and so should we... or at least so they say.
On the other hand, The Bible teaches us that we are creatures of unique value. That we are very precious and worth a lot more than we are told.
For whatever reason, there is a lot of pressure today to take the physical and emotional aspects of relationships really casually... People even say it this way, "Lets be friends with Benefits"
SO the benefits are any of a variety of physical expressions of love that normally were reserved for the deepest most committed relationship, but now are being given away like a cup of tasty soup.
Let me ask this: What is so beneficial about giving away your unique value to someone who will not even commit to you?
Think about this: You can only experience things for the first time once. Make that one really special time count... don't just trade it away like a bowl of soup as if it has no real value.
The Bible calls us to love on another and place others interests before out own... As Christian young people you need to help each other to protect the "benefits" that God has designed for marriage... not take advantage of each other by wasting those benefits on cheap experiences that will not last.
What do you think?
1. Why do you think Esau sold his birthright of for a cup of soup? How are we pressured to do the same
thing in our lives?
2. Have you ever heard the term "friends with benefits?" What do you think it means? Why is it a lie?
3. What do the TV shows and movies you watch say about this topic? What affect is that having on you?
4. How can we protect others and serve them in love, instead of using them?
On the other hand, The Bible teaches us that we are creatures of unique value. That we are very precious and worth a lot more than we are told.
For whatever reason, there is a lot of pressure today to take the physical and emotional aspects of relationships really casually... People even say it this way, "Lets be friends with Benefits"
SO the benefits are any of a variety of physical expressions of love that normally were reserved for the deepest most committed relationship, but now are being given away like a cup of tasty soup.
Let me ask this: What is so beneficial about giving away your unique value to someone who will not even commit to you?
Think about this: You can only experience things for the first time once. Make that one really special time count... don't just trade it away like a bowl of soup as if it has no real value.
The Bible calls us to love on another and place others interests before out own... As Christian young people you need to help each other to protect the "benefits" that God has designed for marriage... not take advantage of each other by wasting those benefits on cheap experiences that will not last.
What do you think?
1. Why do you think Esau sold his birthright of for a cup of soup? How are we pressured to do the same
thing in our lives?
2. Have you ever heard the term "friends with benefits?" What do you think it means? Why is it a lie?
3. What do the TV shows and movies you watch say about this topic? What affect is that having on you?
4. How can we protect others and serve them in love, instead of using them?
Mosaic News Special Report; Squeaky Clean & V-day!
Trust me the end is really worth waiting for!
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