OK, most of you know this already, but we changed the name of our Tuesday night program (formally known as GodSquad). Believe it or not, Tuesday has been Godsquad since the early 70’s (see Jill Briscoe’s letter in the previous post). The name has served the ministry well for many years, but has decided to retire this year. Tuesday nights will be called Nexus from this point on... don’t worry though, if you still say God Squad every once in a while we will know what you mean.
Names are a big deal but really a ministry is so much more than a name. While named Godsquad, this ministry helped change thousands of lives, and this is still what we are all about. There are thousands of middle school students that live in the greater community surrounding Elmbrook Church, and we want to do whatever we can to make the life and love of Jesus real to each of them.
The New Name is NEXUS
"What in the world is a Nexus?"
We sure are glad that you asked, because we were just dying to tell you!
According to the dictionary, some of the main definitions of Nexus include, “a connection or series of connections linking two or more things,” and “the central or most important point or place.” Drawing inspiration again from the idea of creating a place where the four main worlds of our students (church, friends, family, culture; see explanation in previous posts) connect, Nexus seemed like a sure fit for our Tuesday night program.
Arriving at Nexus wasn’t an easy process by any means. We began the process of re-naming Tuesday nights over a year and a half ago. Our attempts included:
Unfortunately, none of these held up to closer scrutiny. (Soma is the greek word for body, but also a psychedelic drug. Vibe was an interesting idea... but too many adults liked it... Verge was lame from the beginning but we were really searching. Finally, Atomic, we all liked, and even had a cool logo for, but when you think of atomic you think of bombs and thousands of lives lost... not love --or at least that’s what I think of-- so we kept searching...)
Even though Nexus wasn’t our first choice it has really grown on us, and we trust it will grow on you as well...